Heifer’s Read to Feed program partner Nic Wu Storytelling Session - 《Welcome To The Restaurant Of Any Cuisine》 2020-11-23

Welcome To The Restaurant Of Any Cuisine
Author/Illustrator: Hasegawa Yoshifumi

【Welcome To The Restaurant Of Any Cuisine】The story starts with a family that is always hungry, which brings us to restaurants of all sorts of cuisine, from ordinary Western, Chinese and Indian ones, to the eateries at African safari, in the Moon and even Dragon King’s Palace. At every place they visit, they have traditional outfits on and pick souvenirs with domestic elements for themselves. When they finish the world food tour, do you know which type of cuisine impresses them the most?


In this book, again, we can play a similar mini treasure hunt that we have come across in《My Great-great-great-great-grandfather》. You will find the mysterious couple on every page travelling with the family. Are you curious about who they are?